Logo C++ Online Judge


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Legendary British rock band "Oasis" recently reunited, please select the song list for their concert. Songs need to be considered for artistry, popularity, classicism, etc. The average score of these $k$ metrics will be used as the criterion for selection. From $n$ songs, please select the 2 songs with the highest average score.

Input format

On the first line, enter two positive integers $n,k$ with the meanings described above;

Starting on the second line and going down $n$ lines, each enters $k$ positive integers for the metric scores. The $i$th line indicates the scores the $i-1$th songs.

Output format

Output two lines indicating which two songs are selected (output the sequence number). Place the song with higher score in the front; if there are multiple songs with the same score, then the earlier one in input is selected or ordered in the front.

Sample input
3 2
10 20
5 25
1 2

Sample output #2


$2 \leq n \leq 100$, $1 \leq k \leq 10$, the scores are from 1 to 100